진료과 / 교수

유전학클리닉 / 손영배 교수


유전질환, 염색체이상, 유전성 암


이화여대 의과대학 졸업
성균관대 대학원 의학박사
삼성서울병원 소아청소년과 임상조교수
아주대병원 의학유전학과 진료조교수, 조교수, 부교수
現 아주대병원 의학유전학과 교수

의료진 소개

손영배 교수는 이화여자대학교 의과대학을 졸업하고, 삼성서울병원 소아과학 전공의, 내분비 유전대사 분과 전임의, 삼성서울병원 임상조교수를 거쳐 현재 아주대 의과대학 의학유전학과 교수로 재직 중이다.
전문 진료 분야는 염색체 이상질환, 대사이상질환 및 근골격계, 내분비계, 신경계등을 포함하는 유전질환이다.
대외적으로는 대한의학유전학회, 대한소아과학회, 대한소아내분비학회 정회원으로 활동 중이다

주요 논문

1.Sohn YB, Kwak MJ, Kim SJ, Park SW, Kim CH, Kim MY, Kwon EK, Paik KH, Jin DK./Correlation of Adiponectin Receptor Expression with Cytokines and Insulin Sensitivity in Growth Hormone(GH)-Treated Children with Prader-Willi Syndrome and in Non-GH-Treated Obese Children/J Clin Endocrinol Metab 95(3):1371
2.Sohn YB, Ki CS, Kim CH, Ko AR, Yook YJ, Lee SJ, Kim SJ, Park SW, Yeau S, Kwon EK, Han SJ, Choi EW, Lee SY, Kim JW, Jin DK/Identification of 11 novel mutations in 49 Korean patients with Mucopolysaccharidosis Type II/Clin Genet. 2011 Feb
3.Sohn YB, Kim SJ, Park SW, Park HD, Ki CS, Kim CH, Huh SW, Yeau S, Paik KH, Jin DK./A mother and daughter with the p.R443X mutation of mucopolysaccharidosis type II: Genotype and phenotype analysis/Am J Med Genet A. 2010 152A(12):3129-32
4.Sohn YB, Kim SJ, Park SW, Kim SH, Cho SY, Lee SH, Yoo KH, Sung KW, Chung JH, Koo HH, Jin DK/The metabolic syndrome and body composition in childhood cancer survivors/Kor J Pediatr(accepted)
5.Kim SH, Park HD, Sohn YB, Park SW, Cho SY, Ji S, Kim SJ, Choi EW, Kim CH, Ko AR, Yeau S, Paik KH, Jin DK/Mutations of ACADS gene associated with short-chain acyl-coenzyme A dehydrogenase deficiency./Ann Clin Lab Sci 2011 41(1):84-8
6.Lee HJ, Choe YH, Lee JH, Sohn YB, Kim SJ, Park SW, Son JS, Kim SW, Jin DK./Delayed response of amylin levels after an oral glucose challenge in children with Prader-Willi syndrome./Yonsei Med J. 2011 52(2):257-62
7.Kim SJ, Bieganski T, Sohn YB, Kozlowski K, Semenov M, Okamoto N, Kim CH, Ko AR, Ahn GH, Choi YL, Park SW, Ki CS, Kim OH, Nishimura G, Unger S, Superti-Furga A, Jin DK./Identification of signal peptide domain SOST mutations in autosomal dominant craniodiaphyseal dysplasia./Hum Genet. 2011 129(5): 497-502
8.Kim SJ, Sohn YB, Park SW, Jin DK, Paik KH/Serum cystatin C for estimation of residual renal function in children on peritoneal dialysis./Pediatr Nephrol 2011 26(3):433-40
9.Kwon JY, Ko KJ, Sohn YB, Kim SJ, Park SW, Kim SH, Cho SY, Jin DK/High Prevalence of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome in Children with Mucopolysaccharidosis type II (Hunter syndrome)/Am J Med Genet A. 2011 (accepted)
10.Park CH, Park HD, Lee SY, Kim JW, Sohn YB, Park SW, Jin DK/Clinical, biochemical, and genetic analysis of korean patients with pseudohypoparathyroidism type Ia /Ann Clin Lab Sci2010 40(3):261-6
11.Park SW, Shin S, Kim CH, Ko AR, Kwak MJ, Nam MH, Park SY, Kim SJ, Sohn YB, Galinsky RE, Kim H, Yeo Y, Jin DK./Differential effects of insufflated, subcutaneous, and intravenous growth hormone on bone growth, cognitive function, and NMDA receptor subunit expression./Endocrinology 2010 151(9):4418-27
12.Joo EY, Hong SB, Sohn YB, Kwak MJ, Kim SJ, Choi YO, Kim SW, Paik KH, Jin DK./Plasma adiponectin level and sleep structrues in children with Prader-Willi syndrome/J Sleep Res 2010 19:248-54
13.Kim S, Lee JH, Heo JS, Kwak MJ, Kim SJ, Sohn YB, Kim SE, Song SY, Choe YH, Baek JW, Rha MY, Oh YJ, Jin DK/Serum obestatin/ghrelin ratio is altered in patients after distal gastrectomy/Dig Surg 2009 26(2):143-8
14.Kim SJ, Sohn YB, Park SW, Jin DK, Paik KH./Chronic peritoneal dialysis in a 4-year-old boy with Lesch-Nyhan disease/Pediatr nephrol 2009 24(5):1089-90
15.Lee GY, Sohn YB, Kim MJ, Jeon GW, Shim JW, Chang YS, Huh J, Kang IS, Yang JH, Jun TG, Park PW, Park WS, Lee HJ./Outcome following surgical closure of patent ductus arteriosus in very low birth weight infants in neonatal intensive care unit./Yonsei Med J 2008; 49(2): 265-71